5600 Giving Quests

There are ten (10) quests to complete to help your journey to tithing. The first four are listed below; but the other six (6) are in the post. Click the button above to get access to the next six quest steps.

BE CAREFUL!! Once the first four are checked, they cant be unchecked! ;-)

  • Minor quests
  • 1.       Commit to tithe this year
  • 2.       Commit to give over the tithe
  • 3.       Establish $ amount to give over the tithe
  • 4.       Establish a regular % of pay instead of tithe
  • 5.       Establish a regular dollar amount of pay instead of tithe
  • 6.       Establish regular dollar amount for offering toward Reach Academy
  • 7.       Establish regular dollar amount for offering toward other charitable  organizations
  • 8.       Commit to pay overdue debts
  • 9.       Commitments to give to the poor
  • 10.   Commitments to give to family

4 Steps

  • Commit to tithe this year
  • Commit to give over the tithe
  • Establish $ amount to give over the tithe
  • Establish a regular % of pay instead of tithe

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Terry Bolds
  • Profile photo of JB Monorail
  • Profile photo of Pat G