Pat G earned the the seven essential God’s Word 10 months, 3 weeks ago
11251350015007600These are the quests that are associated with your journey to go deeper into The Word of God.
Link To Page To Learn More About Us – 51 pts - Click here!
50 pts - How To Get To Heaven - Click here!
- Purchase a Bible
- Purchase a Bible for my spouse or child.
- Purchase a Bible for someone else
- Schedule a time on your calendar to read God’s Word Daily.
- Read God’s Word Daily (a point each day, accumulate points towards a badge}
- Complete a book of the Bible
- Read through the Old Testament
- Read through the New Testament
- Attend a Bible Study Group
- Have devotion with your spouse or family.
- Memorize a Bible Verse (a point for each verse)
- Memorize Romans Road to Salvation
- Memorize a chapter
- Memorize books of the Old Testament
- Memorize books of the New Testament
- Purchase or download a Bible Commentary
- Complete RBI class on How to Study the Bible
- Sign up for DTS online Bible Class
- Complete DTS online Bible Class
- Watch Bible Project Old Testament Summary
- Watch Bible Project New Testament Summary
- Watch Bible Project Intro to the Bible
- Watch Bible Project Story of the Bible
- Take notes during Sunday Sermon (point each week}
- Discuss sermon with someone who was not at church (a point for each occurrence)
- Post a Bible Verse on Social Media (a point for each occurrence)
- Share an NEBC sermon on social media (a point for each occurrence)
- Bring your Bible to Church (a point for each occurrence)
- Teach a Bible class
- Start a Bible Study at work
- Start a Bible Study with your family
- Start a Bible Study with your neighbors
- Donate Bibles to a missionary group
- Subscribe to NEBC YouTube Channel
- Post a quote from the Sermon on social media
- Make a list of observations from a chapter of the Bible.
- Sing the Books of the Bible Song
- Study a Book of the Bible
- Start a journal about your studies in the Bible
- Teach in Children’s Church
- Teach in the Youth Ministry
- Lead devotion at Sisters on the Sideline
- Lead devotion at IronMan gathering
- Share an encouraging Bible verse with members of your ministry
- Share encouragement from the Bible with your spouse, children, extended family, friends, or coworker (a point for each occurrence)
- Read the Bible in a year.
- Sign up for Seminary
- Complete a Semester of Seminary
- Complete the first year of Seminary
- Graduate from Seminary
- Teach during Reach Academy Summer Camp
- Start a Backyard Bible Club