
  • Pat G earned the the seven essential God’s Word 10 months, 3 weeks ago

    These are the quests that are associated with your journey to go deeper into The Word of God.

    Link To Page To Learn More About Us – 51 pts - Click here!
    50 pts - How To Get To Heaven - Click here!

    1. Purchase a Bible
    2. Purchase a Bible for my spouse or child.
    3. Purchase a Bible for someone else
    4. Schedule a time on your calendar to read God’s Word Daily.
    5. Read God’s Word Daily (a point each day, accumulate points towards a badge}
    6. Complete a book of the Bible
    7. Read through the Old Testament
    8. Read through the New Testament
    9. Attend a Bible Study Group
    10. Have devotion with your spouse or family.
    11. Memorize a Bible Verse (a point for each verse)
    12. Memorize Romans Road to Salvation
    13. Memorize a chapter
    14. Memorize books of the Old Testament
    15. Memorize books of the New Testament
    16. Purchase or download a Bible Commentary
    17. Complete RBI class on How to Study the Bible
    18. Sign up for DTS online Bible Class
    19. Complete DTS online Bible Class
    20. Watch Bible Project Old Testament Summary
    21. Watch Bible Project New Testament Summary
    22. Watch Bible Project Intro to the Bible
    23. Watch Bible Project Story of the Bible
    24. Take notes during Sunday Sermon (point each week}
    25. Discuss sermon with someone who was not at church (a point for each occurrence)
    26. Post a Bible Verse on Social Media (a point for each occurrence)
    27. Share an NEBC sermon on social media (a point for each occurrence)
    28. Bring your Bible to Church (a point for each occurrence)
    29. Teach a Bible class
    30. Start a Bible Study at work
    31. Start a Bible Study with your family
    32. Start a Bible Study with your neighbors
    33. Donate Bibles to a missionary group
    34. Subscribe to NEBC YouTube Channel
    35. Post a quote from the Sermon on social media
    36. Make a list of observations from a chapter of the Bible.
    37. Sing the Books of the Bible Song
    38. Study a Book of the Bible
    39. Start a journal about your studies in the Bible
    40. Teach in Children’s Church
    41. Teach in the Youth Ministry
    42. Lead devotion at Sisters on the Sideline
    43. Lead devotion at IronMan gathering
    44. Share an encouraging Bible verse with members of your ministry
    45. Share encouragement from the Bible with your spouse, children, extended family, friends, or coworker (a point for each occurrence)
    46. Read the Bible in a year.
    47. Sign up for Seminary
    48. Complete a Semester of Seminary
    49. Complete the first year of Seminary
    50. Graduate from Seminary
    51. Teach during Reach Academy Summer Camp
    52. Start a Backyard Bible Club