What Are The Seven Essentials?

By |February 13th, 2024|Categories: Fellowship, Giving, Gods Word, One of The Seven Essentials, Outreach, Prayer, Service, Worship|

The Seven Essentials to the christian walk are:   Word of God Prayer Worship Outreach Fellowship Giving Service   By participating in one of each of these areas, it allows you to stay focused on what's important in your discipleship journey.   Click on any of the bullet points above to take a deeper dive into each essential.

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By |February 13th, 2024|Categories: Giving, One of The Seven Essentials|

Luke 6:3838 Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure-pressed down, shaken together, and running over-will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." 5. Establish regular dollar amount for offering toward Reach Academy 6. Establish regular dollar amount for offering toward other charitable organizations 7. Establish regular dollar amount for offering toward Reach Academy 8. Commit to pay overdue debts   9. Commitments to give to the poor 10. Commitments to give to family   Committ To Become A New Tither Give Abooe The

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By |February 13th, 2024|Categories: Giving, One of The Seven Essentials|

Acts 2:43 Deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. Served in a NEBC adult ministry on Sunday. Served in a NEBC Youth ministry on Sunday. Served in a NEBC Children ministry on Sunday. Served in my neighborhood. Served in my community with another non-profit organization. Served a senior citizen. Served at Reach Academy.   Serving in the church allows us to do our part to take care of the needs of our other sisters and brothers

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Welcome To Abundant Life Quest

By |January 21st, 2024|Categories: Fellowship, Giving, Gods Word, Outreach, Prayer, Service, Worship|

Discover a world of personal development with the Abundant Life Quest app, a real-life role-playing discipleship program designed to transform your life through immersive goal-setting and interactive game play. Engage in a challenging, cooperative, and competitive social environment that reduces isolation and fosters accountability. Earn recognition, awards, and level up by taking positive actions or breaking negative habits. Experience a captivating journey filled with quests, gifts, and personal goal-setting as you strive for an enriched and abundant life.   Quest fall into the following types: One of the Seven Essentials Fellowship Worship Giving God's Word Service Prayer Outreach/Evangelism   2024

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