Levels, Badges, Quest, Oh My!

Now that you are starting your discipleship journey, you’ll be earning some points along the way.


As you build points through your online and offline activities, you will log into your account and record your work. As you go, you will earn points logging in, commenting on blogs, commenting in forums, making friends, etc. As you gain more points, you will increase levels. As you level up, you will recieve badges.



  • Points (This is what you do… buttons, links, etc.)
    • Levels (These will be awarded as you gain points)
      • Badges (These will be awarded as you gain points)
        • Banners (These will be awarded as you gain points)


So, all you need to do is earn points in the areas that interest you. The areas you are reading about, praying about, ministering in, etc. The rest will trigger you to continue to gain points and level up!



God’s Word Badge

500 Gods Word Quests

7 Steps

  • 1. Purchase a Bible for yourself.
  • 2. Purchase a Bible for my spouse or child.
  • 3. Purchase a Bible for someone else
  • 4. Schedule a time on your calendar to read God’s Word Daily.
  • 5. Read God’s Word Daily (a point each day, accumulate points towards a badge}
  • 6. Complete a book of the Bible
  • 7. Attend a weekly Bible Study

Personal Quest Badge

500 Life Quests

The Daily Tasks of Living A Prayerful Life

  • Thank God for rising up in the morning
  • Worship God while brushing your teeth
  • Praise God while making breakfast
  • Praise God while getting ready for work
  • Praise God while driving to work
  • Praise God when feeling happy
  • Praise God while attending class
  • Sing praises when you are cleaning the house
  • Sing praises while preparing dinner

Fellowship Badge

500 Fellowship Quests
  • Participate and Complete Life on Purpose Cohart
  • Participate in Discipleship Explosion Iron Man
  • Participate in Annual Church Fast
  • Participate in Discipleship Explosion Wednesday night Bible Study
  • Attend Annual NEBC Valentine’s Event

5 Steps

Giving Badge

5600 Giving Quests

There are ten (10) quests to complete to help your journey to tithing. The first four are listed below; but the other six (6) are in the post. Click the button above to get access to the next six quest steps.

BE CAREFUL!! Once the first four are checked, they cant be unchecked! ;-)

  • Minor quests
  • 1.       Commit to tithe this year
  • 2.       Commit to give over the tithe
  • 3.       Establish $ amount to give over the tithe
  • 4.       Establish a regular % of pay instead of tithe
  • 5.       Establish a regular dollar amount of pay instead of tithe
  • 6.       Establish regular dollar amount for offering toward Reach Academy
  • 7.       Establish regular dollar amount for offering toward other charitable  organizations
  • 8.       Commit to pay overdue debts
  • 9.       Commitments to give to the poor
  • 10.   Commitments to give to family

4 Steps

  • Commit to tithe this year
  • Commit to give over the tithe
  • Establish $ amount to give over the tithe
  • Establish a regular % of pay instead of tithe
By Published On: January 17th, 2024Categories: Service, WorshipComments Off on Levels, Badges, Quest, Oh My!

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