Level 1

5 As You Go

Now you're getting started!! Come on in and explore the site. :-)

2 times earned
213 users have earned this Level

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Theme Support
  • Profile photo of Carla Bolds
  • Profile photo of Bob Rice
  • Profile photo of Kevin
  • Profile photo of Dbear
  • Profile photo of Brandon C.
  • Profile photo of Sonya Rice
  • Profile photo of Daphne Flute
  • Profile photo of Terry Bolds
  • Profile photo of Quest Master
  • Profile photo of JB Monorail
  • Profile photo of Pat G

Level 2

You must have received 1500 points!!

Gaining Points By Checking Off work in God's Word!

9 users have earned this Level

1 Step

  • Congrats!! You’re really moving ahead on your God’s Word Quest! Keep it up!!!

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Daphne Flute
  • Profile photo of Carla Bolds
  • Profile photo of Bob Rice
  • Profile photo of Kevin
  • Profile photo of Dbear
  • Profile photo of Pat G
  • Profile photo of Terry Bolds
  • Profile photo of Quest Master
  • Profile photo of JB Monorail

Level 3

God's Word - 2500 Points Earned!

Next Step..... We will check to see the unique way to unlock this level is by using 200 points and completing 3 tasks.

9 users have earned this Level

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Daphne Flute
  • Profile photo of Carla Bolds
  • Profile photo of Bob Rice
  • Profile photo of Kevin
  • Profile photo of Dbear
  • Profile photo of Terry Bolds
  • Profile photo of Quest Master
  • Profile photo of JB Monorail
  • Profile photo of Pat G