God’s Word Badge

500 Gods Word Quests
9 users have earned this Badge

7 Steps

  • 1. Purchase a Bible for yourself.
  • 2. Purchase a Bible for my spouse or child.
  • 3. Purchase a Bible for someone else
  • 4. Schedule a time on your calendar to read God’s Word Daily.
  • 5. Read God’s Word Daily (a point each day, accumulate points towards a badge}
  • 6. Complete a book of the Bible
  • 7. Attend a weekly Bible Study

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Daphne Flute
  • Profile photo of Carla Bolds
  • Profile photo of Bob Rice
  • Profile photo of Kevin
  • Profile photo of Dbear
  • Profile photo of Quest Master
  • Profile photo of JB Monorail
  • Profile photo of Terry Bolds
  • Profile photo of Pat G

Personal Quest Badge

500 Life Quests

The Daily Tasks of Living A Prayerful Life

  • Thank God for rising up in the morning
  • Worship God while brushing your teeth
  • Praise God while making breakfast
  • Praise God while getting ready for work
  • Praise God while driving to work
  • Praise God when feeling happy
  • Praise God while attending class
  • Sing praises when you are cleaning the house
  • Sing praises while preparing dinner
5 users have earned this Badge

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Daphne Flute
  • Profile photo of Terry Bolds
  • Profile photo of Quest Master
  • Profile photo of JB Monorail
  • Profile photo of Pat G

Book Badge

1500 Book Quests
  • The Bible
  • Draw The Circle
  • A Purpose Driven Life
  • Pilgrim's Progress
  • Kingdom Men
  • Kingdom Women
  • Steps in Knowing, Doing & Experiencing The Will of God - For Teens
  • A Case for Christ
  • The Screw Tape Letters
  • The Late Great Planet Earth
2 users have earned this Badge

People who have earned this:

  • Profile photo of Terry Bolds
  • Profile photo of Quest Master